What does “Better” mean for you?

enlightmenthuman potentialhuman creativity

By Dr. Daniele Trevisani (Linkedin Page)– anticipation from the volumes “Human Potential” and “The Soul Box” (Amazon Ebook)


If you arrive to a point where you are able to define “better” from a really internal viewpoint, from a novel cleaner way of reasoning, and out of forced cultural or external expectations, you will be very close to wisdom.

And if what is “better” for you does not correspond to what the advertising industry is showing, don’t worry. Probably you are on a good path. Express your thoughts freely about what is “better” for you.

Free expression is the base of human rights, the root of human nature and the mother of truth. To kill free speech is to insult human rights, to stifle human nature and to suppress truth.

Liu Xiaobo

When you do so, you are on a good path.

If you do not ask yourself what humans can do with their intelligence and technology, and where we should be headed to, that is like using a supercomputer as a typing machine. Is that real Human Potential?

To bring out the truth of the need to stop and pose difficult life-meaning questions to ourselves and our leaders, is like bearing the flag of freedom in a dictatorship in its central plaza.

I feel that with just one life to spend, I do not want to waste it in lies on things like Human Potential. It is not “fast and easy”, it is a life-long path.

If we do not have a clear idea about what Human Potential is, we will never be Educators, and will never achieve any type of Leadership.

To be the CEO or General Director of an Educational Institution does not make anyone an Expert on Human Potential in Education. It’s just a tag, anyone who has this tag should be proud of it but start after “second 1” to search for the truth of what a “Progress” really is.

Progress, also tends to be very “role-specific”, on example the progress in school grades is usually considered separated from progresses achieved in physical activity, sports and fitness. This separation neglects the unity of Human Potential and the interconnections among all of the human spheres of action. When we find in which field we wish to express ourselves.

A student, scientist or manager that practices sport will also be a better “thinker” since he/she will get rid of stress and have more phisical energies in any field, also intellectually.

For the same “law of interconnectedness inner energies” people who do high-intensity phisical sports will benefit from learning mental techniques on control of mind-states, relaxation, meditation, and similar.

We tend to identify ourselves in one of the several roles interpreted in life, as a one-shot imprinting, without considering that any role is a transition, is momentary and will sooner or later vanish. Being a kid vanishes, being a teenager vanishes, being a student vanishes, every job sooner or later vanishes.

We should look at our identity as a continuously evolving co-presence of several roles, unified by a soul that gives us a life purpose, a solid root of which we can be more or less aware.

For this reason the work on Human Potential must include both a work at the very “low level” of the body, a research at the “intermediate level” of skills and abilities, and a work at the very “high level” of values, life-dreams and core beliefs.

The tags Low, middle, and high, do not imply here a judgment, but the position along the continuum from tangible Human Factor issues (e.g., body power) to intangible issues (such as, the strength of personal values).

When an individual – or an entire group of people – increase their energy levels, new challenges become possible, new ways of being do emerge from the darkness and the unknown, and new forms of leadership arise.

Taking full consciousness of our self-potential and fight for reaching it, is a blessed mission, a sacred operation that goes beyond the numeric or professional results that might arrive.

By Dr. Daniele Trevisani (Linkedin Page)– anticipation from the volumes “Human Potential” and “The Soul Box” (Amazon Ebook)

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